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Best alternatives to Storytel for Android

Check out this selection with the best alternatives to Storytel for Android. A list curated by Uptodown's Editorial Team that includes apps like Storytel with similar features and functionalities. Don't miss our recommendations and find the perfect match for your device!
1. Audible icon
Audible is the official app of Audible, Amazon's audiobook platform. There are hundreds of thousands of books, podcasts, and original content in audio format. The...
647.1 k downloads
2. Libby icon
Libby is an app that helps you check out books and audiobooks from your nearest library from the comfort of your Android device. The best...
41.4 k downloads
3. Fidibo icon
Fidibo is an app for Android devices that offers access to an extensive catalog of Persian e-books. It contains both books in digital format and...
4. Voxa - Audiobooks & E-books icon
Voxa - Audiobooks & E-books is the official app of this popular Italian audiobook platform, thanks to which you can access hundreds of audiobooks professionally...
5. Z-Lib icon
Z-Lib, also called Z-Library, is an app that allows you to access an enormous library where you can read and download millions upon millions of...
92.4 k downloads
6. Kindle icon
Kindle is the official digital reading app developed by Amazon Mobile LLC, designed to offer an unparalleled reading experience on mobile devices. With access to...
1.8 M downloads
7. Google Play Books icon
Google Play Books is a tool that lets you read your favorite books anytime and anywhere, directly on the screen of your Android device. Google Play...
3.1 M downloads
8. Goodreads icon
Goodreads is a social platform dedicated to book lovers where you can discover, rate and review books, as well as keep track of your reading...
218.2 k downloads
9. FanFiction.Net icon
Before Wattpad and Archive of Our Own, there was FanFiction.Net. FanFiction.Net is a repository mostly used for fan fiction created by and for fans of any...
80.1 k downloads
10. hoopla icon
hoopla is an entertainment platform with hundreds of audiobooks, ebooks, comics, songs, movies or TV series accessible on your smartphone. Through an interface like that...
70 k downloads

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